Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Dinner time

The girls get to try mcdonalds for the first time! Malayna did not like it at all and Madison ate a little so I tried to make it better and let them try ketchup for the first time. Malayna still didn't like it and Madison started off dipping her fries in ketchup and liked the ketchup so much that she started skipping the fries and chicken and just dipped her fingers in it. She loves ketchup

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Kristi said...

Too funny! How can you not like McDonalds? They are still pretty young for it...they will probably like it more as they get a little older, lol!

Bravo said...

They will get McDonalds maybe once a year, if that. McDonalds isn't even real food.

Ronald McDonald said...

I resent that Bravo...I want a full retraction of your last comment. I'm sending the Hamburglar over to your house to have a face to face meeting.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Bravo! I am proud of your statement. By the way, does anyone know how much McDonald's stock is worth?
